Cock Rings
This is also called as c ring and is used on the base of the tip . Cock rings are worn on the base of the penis . The purpose of cock rings is to maintain erection for long time by preventing blood to leave penis .
How Cock Rings help in Erectile dysfunction ?
Many believes it to be a preventive in ED , However the Ring only obstruct the erected penis to diffuse and give orgasm and release of cum , Since it prevent Blood to go back from penis, hence it maintain erection ,which further leads to make erection last long without cum getting discharged earlier . Although for some instance it may be an effective tools for people suffering from ED .
C rings are made up of Metal , silicon and Various non porus material . The currently innovated cock ring consist of vibrational ,which further add pleasure along with sex benefits .
If you want to maintain erection for long time, give it a try , since it’s effective without any side effects due to it’s not involve in any medication . Make sure to not wear ring for long time ,failing will cause numbness in glen part of the penis .
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